Posted on 6/13/2008

The Perfect Day to Start a Martha's Vineyard Blog

Today is just one of those perfect Vineyard days. The sky is bright blue and doesn't hold even one cloud. The trees are in full leaf, and the grass is vibrantly green. It's 73 degrees, and there is no humidity. The breeze is light and the perfect amount of cool. The water is just warm enough to wade in. It's Friday afternoon and everyone is outside playing and stoking the barbecue. Summer folk and renters are making their way to the island little by little. The stores and restaurants are stocked for the season, and there is a touch of excitement in the air. Tomorrow we'll visit the West Tisbury Farmers' Market for the first time and pick up some flowers, garlic scapes and, of course, a fresh spring roll. And, then we'll head to the beach...or just see where the day takes us. June on the Vineyard is similar to having a full tank of gas...and we can't wait to see where it takes us this year...
Top 5 Things to Look for in a Martha's Vineyard Rental Next
