Posted on 1/20/2009

Searching for a vacation rental agent...

This summer, my kids will be lucky enough to do a very cool and very Vineyard thing. They’ll go sailing on the Shenandoah in a real live, old-fashioned, top-sail schooner - the only one in operation in the United States. But, more on that later. While they’re out on the high seas, my husband and I are headed off for our own little vacation. But, where to go when you live in one of the best vacation destinations around? I’m choosing Cape Cod...because I’ve spent very little time on the Cape and it’s close enough that we can get to the kids if we need to. But, as I searched the web, I couldn’t find an actual vacation rental agent...and I couldn’t  find a site that showed me all of their listings in a way that I could search them on my own. I wasn’t able to view the best of the best all at once, and I was wasting my time going to all of these sites to find what I needed. I even went to the 3rd and 4th page of search results. I know, desperation! What I did find was CyberRentals. CyberRentals is a world wide rental site, and an incredibly popular one. And, I’m not knocking it - our agency, Sandpiper, even lists certain properties there for the exposure. But they list directly for sellers - there’s no objective party, no customer service, no one to help you out. It wasn’t what I wanted. I want to be able to talk to the person who does NOT own the property. Stay tuned because my next post is going to tell you WHY after this good dose of what it feels like from the renter side.
Previous Vacation Rentals: the economical choice Why is it important to use an agent to book your vacation rental? Next
