Posted on 3/26/2009 ~ 1 minute read

Martha's Vineyard's Nature Walks

squibby-april-06-5 I could decide to write about the many natural gems and places to explore on Martha's Vineyard every day for a year and not run out of material! Today, I'm picking two of our family's favorite spots up in Chilmark: Fulling Mill and Squibnocket. Fulling Mill is a fantastic hike through a 46-acre reserve that runs between Middle Road and South Road. For those of you who haven't been to the Vineyard, don't be fooled by these 'street names!' Sometimes, I think these two roads were named so mundanely as a smokescreen because they are among the most beautiful roads on the island. This trail follows a beautiful brook, complete with bridge walkways. You'll walk through woods and open fields - the scenery changing quickly as it tends to do on the Island. As you get close to South Road, there are some great rocks in the water that my kids love to play on, getting their feet wet and splashing around. In season, there are loads of blueberries and huckleberries along the way and the brook is a great spot for trout fishing. Right now at the Chilmark School, my kid's are doing a fundraiser and getting sponsors for every trail walk they do this month - what a great way to inspire kids to get outside! Sunrise on Squibnocket is pretty hard to beat - but it's one of our favorite beaches. The best part is that the landscape of the beach changes regularly. Depending on storm patterns and other weather, the beach is sandy or rocky or loaded with shells. The kids love to hunt for arrowheads, sea glass, stones and shells. My sister-in-law collects agar, the seaweed alternative to gelatin in jello. I like to walk the beach and find that perfectly balanced mental place that I like to call 'home.'


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