Posted on 3/6/2009

A Dream Trip for Kids on the Black Dog Tall Ships

This really is like something out of the Goonies...or Pirates of the Caribbean. But, bottom line, I live in the coolest place ever! Every spring, the 4th and 5th graders at the Chilmark School (and several others!), where my kids spend their days, get to head out for a week-long trip on the Black Dog Tall Ships. It's possibly one of the most fantastic things about being a kid on Martha's Vineyard all year round. My son Christopher is on tap for this year's trip - he is beyond excited. The teachers incorporate things like math, science, cooking, weather - and even being a good person and pulling your weight - into the trip which is a close-quartered adventure that is absolutely a lesson in community living! The crew is, of course, passionate about sailing, the boat and the water of Martha's Vineyard. Check out this video from PlumTV to get the full scoop and see the kids, and the boat, in action.
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